Vision, Mission And Aim


Our Vision

“On the road to success, the rule is always to look ahead.”………. ‘When I was a child I had the freedom to make my own toys out of trifles and create my own games from imagination.” ——- Rabindranath Tagore. .

We at INDIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL believe that every child is unique and the emphasis is on cultivating each and every child’s creativity and respect their native wisdom and imagination. Ultimate aim of school education is enable the students to connect to the world through active engagement and to promote best learning and development in all spheres of life..


Our Mission

Our Motto is to “Educate for making successful citizens of tomorrow”. To inculcate strong ethical values in our students by making them strong in character to face the challenges of the modern life with uprightness and service before self in the quest for excellence.


Our Aim

Assist a student to evolve into a complete human being, endowed with the qualities and attributes of a conscientious contributor towards a healthy society and in the larger context, the nation and fully equipping them to explore, experience the world around and achieve their individual goals, at the same time leaving a positive influence on the surroundings.

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